Goal Five

Effectively communicate and collaborate to deliver, market, and advocate for library and information services.


Outcome 5a. Apply marketing principles to demonstrate and promote the value of libraries and information agencies.

Artifact: LIS750 Final Project-Infographic on Google and Semantic Scholar

Donna Edgar_LIS 750 Final Project

In LIS750 Information storage, an infographic was created as a marketing tool to explain the features and benefits of both Google and Semantic Scholar.  This tool was developed to help the target audience make an informed decision as to what database best meet their needs.

Marketing principles that were applied in this assignment were:

  • target marketing-The target market for this infographic is students at Dominican University
  • promotion-The infographic was designed to promote the use of both Google and Semantic Scholar.
  • creative and influential message-An infographic was used to communicate the differences between Google and Semantic Scholar in a creative, fun and engaging way.

Outcome 5b. Apply advocacy principles to demonstrate and promote the value of libraries and information agencies.

Artifact: Discussion one

Discussion one

One of the topics of discussion in LIS 775 archival principles was how the profession has been responsive to society and the changes that have occurred in it.  In the artifact, advocacy was discussed as something that was essential to the survival of the archival profession in the wake of reduced government funding.

As a Library professional the best way to advocate for your library and the field is to know who your local politicians are and to make sure they understand the value of the library.  Many are under the assumption that during the information age libraries are becoming obsolete, they don’t realize the large amount of print material that does not exist on the internet.  They need to understand the community outreach and training that takes place in the library that you can’t find on Google.


Outcome 5c. Negotiate group dynamics in pursuit of a common goal.

Artifact: Personal reflection on a group project

Personal reflection on group project

For the final project for LIS882 Metadata for digital collections, we worked in groups to develop metadata schemes for an imaginary institution and collection.  As part of this project, an individual report was included to give your personal reflection on the project.  Discussed in the artifact were the pros and cons of working together.  Overall the group worked well together, the one area we could have improved was providing feedback.  Everyone seemed to be hesitant to make corrections or suggestions to the other team members work.  This issue could have had a negative effect on the outcome of the project.

Lesson learned from this experience is that in order for a group project to be successful you have to be open to provide and receive feedback.  After this matter was discussed within the group feedback was given and done so in a constructive way.